The Barriers Between Us and Peace
Luke 12:22-34
Many times we ask for God to give us more faith and we do not think about the man that scripture offers as the pattern of those chosen by God.
The passage above is great when you begin to think of how you can make your faith stronger feel as though you do not have enough faith in God. Abraham is the prototype for the believer of today. I think of the incredible story of Abram (Abraham before God gave him a new name), in chapter 12 starting at verse 10-20. Reading the passage will bring up many questions from the account as it is in scripture.
After reading the passage I ask myself, “Now why did God curse Pharaoh’s house rather than reprimand his new believer?” The answer is because God knew that Abraham was nothing special. God chose Abram because he wanted to love him, he chose him out of his good pleasure. Reading the account of Abraham’s life is not hero story. You will quickly begin to ask yourself, “What was so special about him?” That is the point, nothing. God accounted righteousness to this man even though he did not show any extraordinary powers of faith. Like many of us.
Now I would like to ask you a question. “Are you saved by the blood of Christ?” If your answer is Yes, then there is one thing that you need to consider when you talk about pleasing God. Your faith in God is your claim to His special favor. You do not have to perform any special duty in order for God to like you any more than He already does. Our Great God loves you and supports you because you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, His one and only Son.
I love the account John gives in his gospel of the conversation Jesus had with those opposed to him in John6:28, “Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” In other words… You are already in His Favor.
May the presence of the LORD continue to remind you of His grace in your life.
Father, of all, you have promised that Abraham and his offspring shall inherit the earth. Thank you for that promise. Help us, as Abraham’s offspring in faith, to understand that our “works” do not win your favor. It is our faith. Forgive us when we have tried to earn your love. May we be grateful that we only need to trust you to receive your grace. Amen.